Saturday, February 5, 2011

10:03 ---2/5/2011---We Drive Away

It was a half an hour out of Fairfield, we were heading south on 218. I have been in "Git er done" mode for months now. Now I am gittin' it done on the driving front when I realize. We've done it!!! We actually left!!! A burst of adrenaline pushed through me and I goosed the accelerator. (To 56 mph.) It is a dream that we have finished everything, stuffed bikes and camping gear in outer storage compartments, thrown pillows and blankets on the bed, thrown boxes of food and clothes in the aisles of the RV. Sat down and drove away.

We couldn't have left 2 days ago??
You Did Pack the Passports didn't you???
We sit now listening to the trucks drive by in our motel in... um... I don't really know where we are. Somewhere just before Kentucky, in Illinois. We had hoped to drive to Nashville tonight, but in the spirit of the theme of our trip --- "Chill"--- we pulled off here, where ever we are and I sit, freaked out dog at my feet and do not think about yesterday- the lost cell phone- (found), this morning- the missing safety deposit box key, (found), in the first hour of the trip- the too well packed "all the money" and the passports, (found 7 inches from where we sat), and the one hour it took to figure how to post this blog.(If you are reading this, it worked.)
We will start again early tomorrow in hopes of making it to Florida by dark. 

Fine. There's the Arch, so we must be in St. Louis- Just keep driving!

What we stared at for 7 1/2 hours today.

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